K-12 IT Leadership Roundtable Highlight: The Cost of Cybersecurity vs. The Cost of Inaction

The Case for Cybersecurity Investments in K-12 Schools

Investing in cybersecurity is a critical step for school districts to safeguard sensitive student information and prevent costly data breaches. Cybersecurity acts as a form of insurance: while the cost of protection may seem significant, it is far less than the financial and reputational damage caused by a cyber attack.

Key Insights

  • Cost of Inaction: Recovering from a cyber attack can be up to 10 times more expensive than preventative measures.
  • Leadership Alignment: Ensuring the Chief Business Official (CBO) and cabinet are aligned on cybersecurity priorities is essential.
  • Using Data and Politics: Presenting risk data to the school board can highlight the importance of funding cybersecurity measures. Recorded meetings and informed board members help create accountability and urgency.

By proactively addressing cybersecurity risks, school districts can protect their students, staff, and resources while avoiding the devastating costs of a potential attack.


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